Airstream Dreams

I was approached a few years back to enter a show called “Road Trip.” What a great show theme! How could I turn that down? Although sadly my road trips never included one, the Airstream screams road trip fun! I love the round, shiny chrome shape of the Airstream, and with a view from the rear, the centered spare tire was a visual bonus. I have to say, though, the thought of trying to capture convex reflective metal using the medium of a carved block and one-color black ink was intimidating. I wasn’t sure I could pull it off. But, lo and behold, I just stuck to my age-old principles of trusting my eyes and cutting away areas of light while leaving areas of black and…voila! It worked! I was happily surprised. I’ve done a few other shiny metal round things I can show you- but I’ll leave those to another blog. Here I’ve included both the color (colored pencil on top of b/w print) and b/w Airstream.

Erica Applewhite