
When not walking, we were most occupied with sleeping (50%), eating (20%), blogging (20%) and packing/re-packing, showering, dressing, taping feet (9%), which left, yes, about 1% for sketching. But, I did manage to squeeze out three little 5X5 pen and water color wash drawings. The first was in Kirkby Stephen on our rest day so I had more time after doing laundry for a little sketch down by the small river. It was a warm day and this little stone bridge and grassy area were draped with families enjoying picnics and play. The second was also on a gorgeous sunny afternoon (sense a theme?) after arriving in Reeth. I sat on the grass in the town square (triangle) and soaked up the breeze and sun while working on this oddly shaped asymmetric stone church. The third was admittedly after our Coast to Coast walk on our day in York, just inside the walled city of some ruins as part of the grounds of a museum and park.